Every week we explore a different area of life and how it will be impacting you.
We follow a similar approach in every unit - taking a look at where you currently are, helping you identify where to focus, letting go of the thoughts, feelings and behaviours that are not lifting you up – aka your emotional baggage. And how then to move towards what you want. Take a look at our 5 step process described below!
Each week is like a mini course in itself, as you will be making changes right off the bat. We’ve deliberately structured the programme this way so you can see results immediately. This helps you stay motivated and fired up to keep coming back each week. We’ve found this works really well.
We kick off by looking at where your energy is at, where you’re most likely giving it away and what to do about it. We love this one. It’s an area rarely talked about, yet so impactful.
In week two, we ask you to complete a questionnaire all about you. This allows you to understand where to focus first. It also allows us to get to know you so we can tailor our weekly sessions to the themes we see coming up. Identifying where you’re at is going to be the biggest bag of dicks to your head (Jo’s words). Most of us have no clue where we actually are. We’re just busy living our lives.
Week three we explore what your inner voice is telling you and how you can start to change up the way you talk to and about yourself to be more loving and supportive.
Weeks 4, 5 and 6 we show you how to identify the influences on the way you think, feel and behave. The beliefs, habits and opinions you are holding and where they originate from.
We show you how you can move away from looking for external validation and approval to feeling self-contained and content.
In week seven you learn how to recognise when your boundaries are being trampled over and how to gently reinstate them in a way that feels comfortable to you.
Having to pick one topic, is like picking a favourite child when I love them all but as Jill is forcing me, this is the one for me! Being able to see how I wasn’t upholding my boundaries and more importantly how to do it in a way I am okay with has been awesome (Jo).
Week 8 is an interesting one – this is where we explore how trapped emotions manifest as illness in our bodies. It’s a real eye-opener and an area most folks are oblivious to.
Then on to another meaty topic in week 9 – Relationships! How to nurture lovingly supportive and balanced relationships that are fun and uplifting. There’s always plenty to unpack here.
In week 10 we give you the low down on other people’s opinions and show you how you can stop internalising them - Once I’d wrapped my head around this it was truly liberating! So much so (Jill)
Week eleven we show you how you can introduce a good dollop of self-care to your life and why this is so so important. And no, this isn’t about running a bubble bath or making a cup of hot chocolate – although both are great!
And we end with how to set goals for your life and how you can make them your reality, now you have let go of your emotional baggage. Yes, okay we do invite you to visualise what it is you want more of. But this is not about encouraging false hope as you’ve done the groundwork. You’re changing the way you think and feel and embracing different behaviours that are in support of you.
It’s about being open to life’s opportunities.
We do all of this by sharing weekly life lifting coaching content, with accompanying workbooks and release techniques for you to try – all of which are pretty unique. This is a very experiential programme!
Before you get started though, you have an initial one-to-one assessment with one of us to identify where best to start. Then Jo or Jill becomes your life lifter for the 12 weeks.
We host weekly live group calls – these are small and offer the chance to share or listen to the other members. Being part of a like-minded group genuinely helps to accelerate your journey. We can’t say this emphatically enough. Every single time we run a group session a big part of the feedback is how much the members appreciated hearing each other’s experiences.
You’ll have access to our private Facebook group – your own supportive community. We’re in here all the time, answering questions and sharing our thoughts on topical things we know you’ll find useful.
We give you two one-to-one coaching sessions – this is when the magic really happens. We laser in on your emotional and energetic blocks and help you release them. Cue ‘skipping across a meadow’ like feelings!
On top of all this magnificence you get access to:
Email support
An extensive library of additional resources
Guided meditation classes
Distance Reiki sessions
12 month access to our members area – the place where we house online content, that can be accessed from anywhere, anytime.
If you're ready, go ahead, scroll up the page and click 'Sign up' or if you stilll have questions click 'Book my call' below' to schedule a 15 minute chemistry call.
You can book a free 15 minute call with us to ask any questions you may have and to check the chemistry is going to work!
Direction Academy
TR11 2QS, Falmouth, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom