Chances are you’re asking yourself whether this coaching malarky is really for you.
You’ve got a nagging feeling that life could be better but you’re not sure if this is the way to go.
Maybe you’ve also got a slight uneasy feeling about the thought of handing over some cash and enrolling in one of our courses.
If this sounds like you, know you’re not alone.
We’ve found that’s generally how most people feel. If you’re not sure whether to ‘go for it’ you’re always welcome to have a chat with us but before you book in a call, have a read through these statements and see if any resonate with you.
Put everybody else before you?
Agree to do things you don’t really want to do. Or don’t have time for?
Find yourself juggling lots of responsibilities on your own - your career, children, elderly parents and a whole heap of other commitments?
Feel pulled in too many directions and never have enough time?
Find it hard to ask for help?
Not make time for yourself, feel overwhelmed, stressed and occasionally crash?
Find yourself in one-sided relationships with friends, family, even colleagues, where you’re there for them but it feels like they aren’t there for you?
Feel your love relationship is not as fun & fulfilling as you want it to be?
Have a difficult relationship with Mum and/or Dad where you feel criticised, not heard or as if nothing you say or do is good enough?
Find it difficult to express yourself or feel you are not heard or respected?
Feel unsure of your own capabilities and second-guess yourself?
Judge yourself harshly, put yourself down, maybe even not like yourself?
Feel lonely and not understood?
Compare yourself to others?
Feel low and don’t know how to lift yourself out of it?
Feel worried most of the time or unsure about what your future holds?
Feel at a cross-roads in life and not know which direction to go?
Feel a little lost since your kids and/or partner has left?
Feel this isn’t the life you really wanted, like you have settled and deep down inside know there’s more to life?
We’re pretty sure at least a few of these will have had you vigorously nodding your head and saying to yourself ‘that’s me’.
We’ve yet to meet anybody who doesn’t relate to some of these questions.
This was our reality – and not to pretend our lives are always bright and shiny – at times, even now, some of this shizzle comes back up to bite us too. We’re all human, after all.
Most people think that they are generally okay and leave this kind of thing until they’ve hit a wall. But why wait until then or settle for ‘okay’? Why not allow life to be fab now?
So, the big question is… what are you going to do next? We know that may have made your stomach flip over, it can feel scary. But we’re here for you. We offer ways to start shifting on this. Take a look at our coaching options or click the button below to schedule a chat with us.
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Direction Academy
TR11 2QS, Falmouth, Cornwall, England, United Kingdom